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For batter based products

“Creating responsible indulgence”

Stuffed ding dong industrial proces
Cloud cake steam baked al flavor possible
Ding dong steam baked

Production Line


Our SteamBaking production lines
use baking trays to shape and
transport the product. 


This makes our steam production line
highly flexibleand versatile.


For batter based products

A bakery process that uses steam to bake products.


During this process the product is steamed in a steam tunnel. The heat transfer of steam is more efficient than that of hot air.


This process allows you to reduce sugar and fat levels in the product while improving its  taste and texture. 



Our solutions:


    •    Capacity: 10.000 -45.000 pcs/hr

    •    Turn-key process

    •    Our Steam Baking Center of Excellence

        is available to bakeries for product 

        development, market testing and 

        co-manufacturing of steamed bakery 



Steam baking line for industrial steam bakers

Process description :

(Example steamed cakes)


1. Batter mixing 

2. Oiling plates 

3. Batter depositing 

4. Steaming 

5. Depanning 

6. Cooling 

7. Decorating (optional)

8. Packing


Financial & efficiency​

    •    Cost reduction on ingredients 

    •    Saving on energy

    •    Less baking time

    •    Less bake loss, no rework

    •    Flexible baking tray system,   
         quick format changeover


steambaked cloudcake

Product & consumer

    •    More natural flavor

    •    Unique fluffy, soft and

         moist texture

    •    Natural colors –

         all colors possible

    •    More product volume


More natural flavor

Iconsteambakebenefit better for people and planet
cake steam baked

Better texture

Benefits of steam baking solutions for industrial bakery

Health & planet


    •    Less calories     

    •    Up to 40% less sugar 

    •    Up to 50% less fat

    •    Improved CO2 footprint

    •    No acrylamides, no Maillard reaction 

suiker - les sugar for industrial bakery by steam baking

Applicable to: 

    •    Batter-based products

    •    Cakes  

    •    Bundt Cakes

    •    Cake Donuts

    •    Muffins

    •    Snack Cakes



More natural


Up to 40% less sugar!

SteamBaking for Cake Batter

A bakery process that uses steam to bake products. During this process the product is steamed in a steam tunnel.

The heat transfer of steam is more efficient than that of hot air.

This process allows you to reduce sugar and fat levels in the product while improving its  taste and texture. 

SteamBaking for Cake Batter

A bakery process that uses steam to bake products. During this process the product is steamed in a steam tunnel.

The heat transfer of steam is more efficient than that of hot air.

This process allows you to reduce sugar and fat levels in the product while improving its  taste and texture. 

SteamBaking for Cake Batter

A bakery process that uses steam to bake products. During this process the product is steamed in a steam tunnel.

The heat transfer of steam is more efficient than that of hot air.

This process allows you to reduce sugar and fat levels in the product while improving its  taste and texture. 

For bread dough

“Creating an even better product, with a higher profit margin”

Bread Dough_folder

SteamBaking for bread Dough

For bread dough and yeast-based products, we apply a hybrid baking process that combines Steaming & Baking or Steaming & Frying. 

During this process the product is

pre-cooked in a steam tunnel before it is flash-baked or flash-fried to obtain its final color and flavor. 

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